The crypto-themed web browser Opera has launched is a full-featured alternative to standard browsers. This browser includes a built-in hot wallet and a non-custodial crypto wallet. It also features secure copy and paste and monitors the clipboard for changes. It is intended to offer a more convenient alternative to the wallet extension that is often found on many mainstream browsers. But is it a viable alternative to a standard wallet extension? Let's take a closer look.
The Opera Crypto Browser has several features that make it superior to most other browsers. It features a built-in VPN, ad and tracker blocker, and secure clipboard, among others. It will also soon become open source and can be used on other operating systems as well. The browser is currently available in beta for Windows and Mac, and the company is working on a version for iOS. You can download the beta version today from the official website.
The Crypto Browser project is a free beta version that is available for download for Android and Windows. It will be available for iOS in a few weeks. The browser supports more than 50 cryptocurrencies and will support many more. It will support blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized applications. You can also view a gallery of NFTs, which are a popular alternative to traditional wallets. This free app has many benefits, and it should be available to all users within a few days.